Alvaro Cassinelli, University of Tokyo, has created a fascinating new technology called the Khronos Projector. "The Khronos Projector is an interactive-art installation allowing people to explore pre-recorded movie content in an entirely new way. By touching the projection screen, the user is able to send parts of the image forward or backwards in time."
I created two custom time-lapse videos for him and he has processed them with his technology and included them as part of his demonstration.
A thorough technical description (and many more examples) can be seen at
the Khronos Projector web site.
Here's a quick video explanation from Siggraph 2005 that's posted on YouTube...
Wow. This is very interesting. It is very reminiscent of interactive video stuff that people were starting to play with back in 2001 and 2002 and then Reactrix eventualy built a company around. This direction is a bit more interesting to me htough as it includes time lapse. As a time lapse artist (my work can be seen here: ) I am often thinking about the relation we have to time and the fast pace lives that we leave. Providing this type of interactivity is fascinating to me as you feel less victimized by the sands of the hour glass...
ReplyDeleteIt's an interesting view of the space time continuum. Hey, great video you have on YouTube!