Most of the time I use GBTimelapse AutoRamp to capture a landscape time-lapse at sunset. But occasionally I get up early enough in the morning to do a sunrise.
A couple of weeks ago I was awakened at 3 AM by the sound of thunder. Lightning storms are rare in this part of California, but it sounded like a good storm was headed my way. The previous evening I'd been running some tests with my Canon 7D, so it was already set up in an upstairs window. I quickly fired up my computer with the hopes of capturing some lightning in a sunrise time-lapse.
Here's a demo showing how to set up a sunrise AutoRamp time-lapse, and the resulting video. I did manage to get a couple of good lightning bolts.
The strike you see in this frame knocked out power for a couple of minutes. GBTimelapse was running on a laptop so it was unaffected. However, the camera was running on AC power, so I did miss a couple of frames.
You make Nikon shooters envious! :-P
ReplyDeleteNice tool...but you didn't mention the frame rate settings and the interval. Or are these managed as part of the automatic stops in the bulb setting?
ReplyDeleteGBT was ramping the interval from 32 seconds at night to 10 seconds during daylight.